IOM second hand designs
Second hand designs that deliver performance

Reliable IOM designs
Before I start on the build of an IOM it is worth looking out for previous designs that can deliver good performance in club and open events. The main challenge of course is to find out who has one of these in their attic gathering dust.
I acquired some information on IOM designs. My goal was to find designs that, if you can acquire one and it does not leak and you have a competitive rig on it, you will have an IOM that will be quick in club, open and ranking events, provided you sail them well. If you are new to the sport/class, this will provide an economic starting point as you build your knowledge and experience.
Of course you can also order a new boat but delivery times are getting lengthy and having a new boat when new to the class is not always the pathway to success. A new boat will set you back a few thousand pounds.
The latest designs from the last worlds are set out in a previous (click link to) BLOG.
You can build your own as I did and detailed in the web site or you can source a hull from one of the 3d print suppliers beginning to appear.
A second hand boat could cost less than £500 and if you need to upgrade to a new rig (spars and sails), this would set you back approximately £130-180 for each rig depending on the suppliers and fittings used. At most you need an A and B rig to start out.
There is a proviso on this information insofar as it is acquired from third parties (experienced IOM skippers) but I believe all to be accurate. It is a starting point so if anyone can offer other designs or comment on the list below, I would love to update the details.
Here is the list in no particular order:
GADGET----designed by Chris Dicks, built by Dave Creed. In its day was unbeatable on the UK circuit but failed to dominate in continental championships.
IKON----Bantock design, took on 47 TS2's in Malta Worlds in 1998 and won, great build quality, difficult to find one.
ISIS---Designed and built by Barry Chisham, 2001 World Championship winning boat in Vancouver, excellent build quality.
ISOTONIC---Designed by Alex Austin, winner of UK Nationals, still winning at open events.
LINTEL---Dave Creed design and build, winner of UK Nationals, favours the windier venues.
MOJO---Designed by Jeff Brierley, great build quality, light airs venue boat.
Obsession---Designed and built by the Australian Craig Smith, favours lighter airs to his TS2 design, excellent build quality, difficult to find.
Pikanto---Graham Bantock design, earlier ones built by Sails Etc, later ones built in Croatia, good build quality, careful what fin is fitted.
Psycho---Barry Chisham design, excellent build quality, difficult to find one.
RED WINE---Designed by Graham Bantock, favours light airs, excellent build quality, with a new fin and lowered rigs can still mix it with the best.
STEALTH----Designed by Trevor Bamforth, good build quality, all round boat.
2 Dogs/3 Dogs---Designed by Martin Firebrace (NZ) designed in late 90's, good build quality, difficult to find.
Cheinz---Designed by Jeff Brierley, his answer to the BritPOP!, good build quality, favours windier venues.
Cockatoo----Jeff Brierley, good build quality.
Ericca---Martin Firebrace, good build quality, difficult to find.
Fraktal----Bantock design, good build quality.
TOPICO---Bantock design, good build quality.
ITALICO---Bantock design, good build quality, lighter airs venue boat.
V6/7/8/9----Designed by Ian Vickers, great build quality, great buy.
WIDGET---Designed by Chris Dicks, original ones built by Ken Roberts then later skiff deck ones built by Dave Creed, won everything, bargains galore.
TS2---Designed by Gary Cameron, first real design to dominate for many years, excellent build quality, bargains to be had.
A comprehensive list of all IOM designs can be found HERE