A thank you to all who have offered advice and content

This web site and my IOM Journey could never have happened without the help of the following people. Without exception, you can call them for advice, or engage with them at regattas and they are keen to help. I am grateful to all who have helped me. In no particular order.
Brad Gibson It was Brad Gibson's Alternative design that I first settled on to build and with the guidance of the Youtube video and his advice on building a male mould and hull, helped me on my way to the construction of 2 successful Alternative home builds which both proved to be fiercely competitive. Along the way his freely given advice both by email and at regatta venues was invaluable to my development and understanding of what makes an IOM tick and in particular how to set the rig up in the simplest possible way.
Craig Richards for his 3d boat designs and boat preparation and all the tips for sailing faster around the race course
Juan Egea for the development of the Alioth which provided me with a fascinating year of learning the many aspect of boat balance.
East Coast Fibre glass for their fast efficient service in providing the materials for my boats.
Dave Creed for supplying fins, rudders, bulbs, fin box and radio pot holders. Love the workmanship
Martin Roberts (Housemartin Sails) for supplying my first IOM rig kit, sails and fittings for the boat. Martin and Dave Creed provided their valuable insight into how I should put my boats together.
Sailsetc for a fast efficient service and one stop shop for all things model yachting. They are a pleasure to deal with.
Bill Green (Smartwinch) who provided the RMG winches and rebuilt the one I trashed/burnt out through ignorance. He also puts on a mean IOM Open at Bournville.
David Potter Potter Solutions for the supply of the PG spars and various other bits and pieces