The author
My background and credentials. Thats me on the right in the picture below, collecting the trophy for 1st Grand Master at the 2023 Europeans in Torrevieja.

About the Author
Nigel Barrow's days of wet cold sailing are over and he is now actively involved on dry land in the radio sailing world. Boats include the International One Metre, DF95 and Marblehead. As his involvement built he joined the MYA Council as racing officer to put something back into the sport.
Starting at age 12, he progressed rapidly to be International Cadet World and National champion in 1973, Youth National champion 1974 and then an Olympic campaign in 470's training over the winter 75/76 with the great Jim Saltonstall to reach second place in the 1976 Olympic trials. After another 4 years of campaigning for the boycotted Russian Olympics, Nigel moved onto campaign various dinghies and then moved into yachting, getting involved in a number of successful campaigns.
This experience has proved invaluable in developing this website which he hopes will be a great reference for all who build, sail and race IOM's along with the other classes.
2020 was the start building an IOM and developing a basic understanding of racing the boat. 2021 was the first opportunity to get into racing against competition and assembling this web site. 2022 was all about improving sailing skills and climbing up the ranking lists. In 2023 he put it all together and delivered some great results. 2024 was a relearning year wrestling with the challenges of a new boat and a series of experiments, most of which failed.
As for the authors performance, he has had some success in ranking events but struggled to start in the 20 boat fleets at the Nationals in 2021. Finishing 37 in 2021 and 24 in 2022 there is good progress and a 2nd in the Veterans Nationals in 2022 (15th last year). In 2023 he won the Vets and is lying 5th in the ranking table and was 6th in the Nationals and 23rd at the Europeans. We wont talk about 2024. 2025 stated well with a win but we shall see.
He wishes you all the very best of luck in whatever your quest/goals happen to be.